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A Mother's Love Letter

A Mother's Love Letter

Precious you are to me,
A gift from God above,
Child, you are my treasure,
One I will always love.

The moment you were born
Was love at first sight,
Glimmering from your eyes
Was warm gentle light.

You knew me instantly,
And surely I knew you;
Connected we are forever
No matter what you do.

So hold my hand, child,
Stay ever close to me,
Trust that your mother
Loves you eternally.

Should the rain fall,
I will shelter you in my arms,
Praying that my embrace
Comforts and warms.

Should you hurt yourself
Amidst your carefree play,
Know you can run to me
Any moment, any day.

Yet remember there is One
Who loves you more than I do;
Stay close to Jesus,
For so much He loves you.

When I cannot be there,
When the distance is great,
Your connection with Jesus
Nothing can separate.

You are never alone,
He is always by your side;
He will carry you, my child,
And tenderly guide.

He loved you before creation,
Before the first day and night,
So bask always in His love,
In His warm gentle light.

Yes, precious you are to me,
So keep your eyes fixed above;
Child, you are my treasure,
One I will always love.
© Caroline Gavin 2013
Used with permission
All Rights Reseved

May the Lord Bless you and keep you safe in His arms!

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