I wish you could have seen
our lovely sunset last night.
After a rather dull afternoon,
I decided to go for a walk
and when I stepped outside,
I stood in awe.
The western sky was a riot of color,
The Rose,gold and blue blending
into one large tapestry
of beauty beyond description.

The sun, looking like an anormous
orange, seemed to hang suspended
by a golden cord, casting a warm
and loving glow upon the earth.

So often we fail to see the beauty
of Nature and appreciate how much it
brightens our lives,
Have you ever thought how
drab life would be if we had
No Sunshine, No Sunset, No Rainbow?
Even the black threatening clouds
which precede a thunder storm
have a grandeur all their own,

Of course,
they sometimes strike fear to our hearts,
but they also add spice and change.

Life would be dull if we
had only beauty and sunshine.
Those dark clouds yield the
refreshing, cooling rains
which keep the flowers blooming
and good Mother Earth takes up her tools
and goes on about her never ending task.

So, may we greet each sunrise
with joy, and each sunset with peace
and Love in our hearts.
The descending sun scattereth
his beams about him as he sinks,
and gilds heaven above,
and the sea beneath, with paint
No mortal pencil can express.
By Joan Miessau © 1960
All Rights Pectacted

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