He, In Our Stead
Lord Jesus, in our stead
Thou took all the blame.

Let them put Thee on an
old Cross, meaning to shame.

But there were never any
shame at all for Thee Master.

The rising again into Glory,
told of all the things hereafter.

We are to follow in Thy footsteps;
our heart all aglow.

When Satan watches,
he will surely then begin to know,

That where so ever art Thee master;
we shall choose to go.

We art Thy bride sweet Jesus;
in our hearts, we feel the glow.

I pray none turn away,
but follow only Thy holiness true.

Lord when they see believers following,
they too may follow you.

As a little child watches grownups;
follows in their way,

Then, surely Lord, there shall
be a blessed and sweet day.

We pray all will come into
Thy Kingdom; of Holy delight,

Falling down to pray
(there in glory),
at the beauty of Thy sight.

Let us hearken to His sweet voice;
His great words to say.

Father God keep all who love,
under His care each day.

We who know Him are aware
that He is our Savior; all.

Then one day when the time is right,
He shall come to call.

I pray all will be ready and waiting
for our sweet and holy Lord

All who love and obey Him shall
then all be of His accord.
©Pearlie Duncan Walker
May 25, 2008
Used with Permission

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