My God My Lord
Lord God I write you tonight
to ask to talk to Thee,
I need every word Father
that you say to me.
Keep me in Thy heart,
along with all others.
Those, Lord who are my kin;
my sisters and brothers.
Help us to travel the right
road of this old life.
Help us please Lord,
to put away all the useless strife.
It is my prayer tonight
to sit and talk with you,
And Lord to do all the things
you would have me do.
I love you with all my being,
dear God of love.
I know you have made a
place for us, there above.
We plead Thy grace on our
family and all friends,
Help us Father God;
all to come to Thee,
and begin again.
May we not sleep Lord,
when we need to pray?
Help us awaken and be
alert to Thy words everyday.
May we truly, teach others
that do not know?
Praying all to come to Thee,
sweet Lord to whom we go.
It is getting late,
and time may be near the end.
Help us Lord to seek other
to come to Thee, to rid their sin.
We look forward to Thy soon coming,
Lord above.
We seek Thee sweet Jesus;
never let us lose Thy love?
By Pearlie Duncan Walker
Used with permission

Thank you for visiting with me!!

Quote: Bless the Lord, O my soul:
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name.
~Psalm 103:1
