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Into My Life

Into My Life

Into my life you came one day..
And it's not been the same.
I didn't know there was a need,
Until the day you came...

Each day has a different meaning,
Because of you my friend.
It's a beautiful kind of friendship,
Oh, the sweetness you lend...

You make me smile and make me laugh,
At the silliest little thing.
Time spent with you is so much fun;
Such joy you do bring...

We share so many different things,
We go from A to Z...
And places that I've not known,
Your visions help me see...

Thank you for your friendship sweet,
It means so much to me.
You give me peace and serenity,
With you I love to be!
Joan Miessau
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May You always be covered with God's pure love!

Thank you for visiting with me!!!


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Painting by Josephine Wall